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Patient Education Resources

Education Resources

A sure-fire way to empower patients is to provide them information relevant to their treatment. Because it’s so important, the government has mandated that an EHR has to provide a platform for offering resources electronically to be certified under the Meaningful Use program.

Clinic Patient Education Resources
Patient Education Resources behavioral health

And that’s exactly what we’ve developed: a simple way to send clients links to useful resources such as research articles, video clips, or newspaper stories. You can select what links to send in two ways:

  1. Identify resources through your personal web searches or a library of articles your clinic might have collected; or
  2. Navigate to a form in ClinicTracker that, based on search criteria related to diagnosis, medications, or lab results, will take you to relevant articles in Medline/PubMed.

Rather than requiring you to print or email this information (which are still options), your resources will be instantly made available through the Patient Portal. Identify the links you want to send and your patients will see them the next time they log into the Portal. You can even check if they’ve clicked on any of the links you identified.

Patient education is another important clinic function that ClinicTracker automates for you. Immediate access to 35,000+ articles and a vehicle for selecting and transmitting them through the system makes the process easy for your staff.

Make available Patient Education Resources
ClinicTracker Mobile
Workflow / Compliance Builder
Telehealth Online Consultation
Patient Portal
Portable Medical Record
Lab Orders & Results
Form Builder
Google Maps
Outcome Measures Testing Wizard
Electronic Prescribing (ePrescribing)

Contact Us

Better communication with clients is always good, be sure to make it easy to find patient education resources. Let us show you how ClinicTracker simplifies this and so much more for you. Book a time for a free demonstration today!