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ClinicTracker Community Training Videos

Get the most out of ClinicTracker’s flexible and powerful platform.

Our ClinicTracker support team has always explored every possible way to help our users learn about the system and manage any issues that might arise. Our latest initiative is the Community Training Series – a format we’ve designed to make it easy for you to have regular and convenient access to our staff for ClinicTracker EHR software training.

  • Got a long list of questions you’ve been meaning to ask about ClinicTracker or BillingTracker?
  • Have the feeling that you’re not taking full advantage of all the many features our software offers?
  • Wish you had some scheduled time to ask us about how to customize the program so that it more perfectly aligns with your workflow?

Each webinar will include both a presentation on a specific topic as well as an opportunity for you to ask about whatever you wish. No matter what else is going on in your world, you’ll know that we’re regularly available to talk about what’s on your mind about our system.

From time to time we also schedule “Pop-up Webinars.” We present them whenever a group of our users expresses interest in hearing about a particular topic.

Upcoming Webinars

Here’s a list of upcoming topics. If you have suggestions of topics you want us to cover, let us know!

Date / Time Title Description Registration
Thursday 7/18 1:00 PM EST What's New: ClinicTracker Enhancements Discover the Latest Features: We'll showcase the newest improvements and demonstrate how they can benefit your practice Register Now
Thursday 8.15 1:00 PM EST What's New: BillingTracker Enhancements Keep your BillingTracker experience at the cutting edge! Dive into our session as we spotlight the latest enhancements and explore ways they can elevate your clinic's operations. Register Now


Contact Us

Our front-line staff is available at your service for any questions, support, and resources.