Insights for the Behavioral Health Workflow

Why Choose a Mental Health EHR with Telehealth

Written by ClinicTracker | Dec 19, 2023

Telehealth services have become an integral part of modern health care. While the pandemic undoubtedly accelerated the use of telehealth services, an increased demand for mental health services has further ignited the need for mental health practices to deliver more accessible care.

Research shows that behavioral health providers have responded to this call. In a survey of nearly 13,000 mental health treatment facilities, more than 88% of facilities reported offering telehealth services as of September 2022. Compare that to just over 39% of facilities in 2019.

Whether your facility already offers telehealth services or has plans to in the near future, it’s important to consider how this all factors into your EHR. The ideal scenario, in either case, is to have a mental health EHR with telehealth capabilities.

The Benefits When You Already Use Telehealth Services

Streamlined Scheduling

Mental health EHR systems typically include appointment scheduling and reminder features. When you have a mental health EHR with telehealth capabilities, patients can schedule a telehealth appointment like they would any other visit. Reminder messages can be automatically sent to patients, which helps to reduce no-shows and maintain a personal touch.


Patients are used to accessing all their health information from an EHR’s patient portal. When patients can use that same platform to join telehealth sessions, there’s a sense of familiarity and comfort. With a system that’s easier to navigate and a cohesive experience, a patient’s move to virtual care is apt to be a smoother transition.

Informed, Personalized Care

A seamless integration between a mental health EHR and telehealth makes all of a patient’s information easily accessible during a virtual session. Without having to toggle between systems, mental health professionals can access treatment plans, progress notes, and other key variables. This supports more informed decision making and in-session delivery of personalized care.

Improved Care Coordination

When documentation from a telehealth session is immediately fed into an EHR, it supports better care coordination. Information can be immediately shared between healthcare providers involved in the patient’s care to support treatment progress and better outcomes. All the while, the accuracy of patient records is enhanced as there is no need for duplicate data entry.

The Benefits When You’re Planning To Offer Telehealth Services

As highlighted in a recent article from the Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare, Inc. (CAQH), industry stakeholders reported inadequate integrations between their EHR and telehealth platforms. They’re often managing multiple devices and software during a telehealth session, which only makes it more difficult to access and document patient information in real time.

By investing in a mental health EHR software with telehealth capabilities now, you’ll set yourself up for an easier transition when you’re ready to make the move. You’ll have the foundation to create an efficient workflow, reduce administrative burdens, and maintain a reliable delivery of virtual care. And as the demand for services increases, you’ll have a centralized platform to effectively meet the demands of a larger patient population.

Telehealth Capabilities Available in ClinicTracker

As a behavioral health EHR software provider, ClinicTracker is proud to offer built-in telehealth access capabilities. While we provide a flexible approach for how you choose to deliver your telehealth services, you’ll enjoy the benefits of a connection with our all-in-one EHR.

It’s just one of the many practice management features we offer to help streamline your mental health clinic’s operations. Our comprehensive practice management software automates clinic routines, boosts staff productivity, increases medical billing efficiency, and enhances the overall management of behavioral health practices.

Want to learn more about our EHR system? Request a demo today! You'll see firsthand how we serve mental health providers.